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Friendship Knot Quilters' Guild, Inc.
HomeSpecial Exhibits

FKQG 2025 Quilt Show – Special Exhibit “Antique and Heirloom Quilts”

Barbie Bailey

Over the years, quilt shows for the Friendship Knot Quilters’ Guild (FKQG) have included a special exhibit section that is non-judged and solely for the enjoyment of guild members and attendees, alike. For example, past exhibits have displayed art quilts created by FKQG/Studio Art Quilt Associates members; quilts from the national Hoffman Challenge; mini-quilts from a single member’s year-long personal challenge; and quilts made from non-traditional materials.

The special exhibit theme for our upcoming 2025 quilt show will be, “Antique and Heirloom Quilts.” We are hoping that a few of our FKQG members will either have a treasured quilt that has been handed down through the family, or own an antique quilt that they have purchased and love. The good news is that there is no sewing required for this exhibit - you just need to search your closets and hope chests to see what you can find!

The space available for this exhibit is not yet determined, but it would be helpful to know as soon as possible if you have a quilt you would like to have considered for part of the Special Exhibit display, so that planning can begin.

Please contact me either at an upcoming meeting, or through the contact information listed on our new website. When you contact me, it would be helpful to have you share what you know about your quilt such as: size of quilt, the background story (e.g. how you obtained the quilt, the original owner, the approximate age of the quilt, the pattern name if you know it, and whether the quilt is machine or hand quilted). A basic photo of the quilt would also be helpful to receive, if that is possible for you. If your quilt is selected to hang as part of the Special Exhibit, you will also be asked to attach a label to the back of your quilt which identifies that you are the owner.

Thanks in advance! Special Exhibit Chair, Barbie Bailey



Friendship Knot Quilt Guild. FKQG is a 501(c)(3) all volunteer Florida corporation.

Friendship Knot Quilt Guild. FKQG is a 501(c)(3) all volunteer, Florida corporation.